Monday, November 3, 2008

Growth vs "Fixed" Minds Podcast

The podcast, "Growth vs 'Fixed' Minds", was very interesting. Mrs. Carol Deweck, of Standford University, conducted a study with two groups of students to see if they could learn more when motivated and taught in the right way. Many students assume that they are born with a certain amount of intelligence and cannot gain anymore knowledge. The "fixed" mindset hinders them from motivating themselves to learn more. The group that was given the Growth Mindset lesson was motivated to learn and actually showed improvement after a certain amount of time. The other group showed no improvement and lacked motivation.

A well known race car coach felt like there was a connection between growth mindset and optimal performance. Mrs Deweck feels that a person must be able to admit their mistakes and learn from them. In effect, they will grow more intelligence. The difference between winning and loosing the race is what you do with the mistakes that are made.

This discussion will really help me as a teacher. I will know to look for the "fixed" minded students who do not think that they can do better and find ways to motivate their learning. Teachers need to be motivated too and podcasts such as Mrs Deweck's podcast are great tools for inspiring teachers to use different techniques when teaching.

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